Technician Toolbox

Oil Drain Plug Repair Master Kit

USD $1,026.00

Made In The USA
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Problem: Ever have to use a helicoil or time sert to fix an oil drain plug? Ever have that helicoil or time sert fail and needed something to fix that? Well, with the AGA Tools 16mm Oil Drain Plug repair Kit, you can fix that!

Solution: Using the AGA 16mm Drain Plug Repair Kit will fix all issues with having to use a helicoil or time sert.

Benefits: Instead of the normal cut thread, our repair kit uses a roll thread process which presses/expands threads on the oil pan to a bigger diameter. This process also increases the strength of the thread. Most drain plugs strip at 55 ft-lb, with our repair kit and provided drain plugs, the plug can me torqued as high as 95 ft-lbs. Buying both kits combined will save you money as well!

Aluminum oil pans only.



753-AGA-ODP-3 Drain Plug Set (16mm) $38.00 Add to cart
753-AGA-ODP-5 Drain Plug Set (14mm) $53.00 Add to cart