Express Service

Drain Plug Pro

USD $24.00


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The OTC 5911A magnetically attaches to pre-loosened oil pan drain plugs so you can remove them without dropping and avoid getting burned with hot oil. The patented design provides universal application to hex heads. A flexible shaft can be used in virtually any location and still turn the plug as desired. An added feature of the 5911A is a removable magnetic end with 1/4" square drive. When removed, the drain plug pro becomes a flexible-shaft 1/4" bit driver. Use for sockets and bit holders to get into hard-to-reach places including under dashboards and in engine bays to remove bolts once loosened. Designed for repetitive daily use with a Lifetime warranty.



  • Remove oil drain plug without touching the plug or hot oil.
  • NO touching HOT plug.
  • NO HOT oil on hands.
  • NO dropping of plug in HOT oil.
  • NO oil soaked gloves.
  • Just magnetically attach DRAIN PLUG PRO to pre-loosened drain plug and rotate to remove plug.
  • Removable magnetic head mounted on 1/4" square drive.
  • 2 "pole" head design has near universal application to bolt designs.
  • Flexible shaft enables user to turn bolts from virtually any position.
  • Lifetime warranty.
  • 1/4" square drive for sockets or bit holders.
  • Product Dimensions: 10.1 × 0.8 × 0.8 in - Weight: 0.18 lb